Fashion & Beauty
Our fashion photography and film reinterpret the Renaissance appreciation for beauty and form, blending it with the Enlightenment's celebration of individuality and progress. We craft images highlighting each design’s craftsmanship and unique character, portraying them as contemporary yet timeless pieces that resonate with the discerning modern consumer.
Sweet Sensations
When beauty, food and jewels combine,
it’s perfection in the eye of a fashion photographer
Romancing the Canvas
Ballgowns, millinery, lace and pearls photographed in studio or on location to heighten fabrics and colour palettes.
For Bag Lovers Only
Perhaps because they keep our belongings, or probably because they make us dream about travelling and discovery… we all love bags!

All the World's a Stage
Designing sets or selecting locations is what we do when telling fashion stories full of symbols and allusions.
when Fashion meets Architecture
“With my camera, I am eager to explore the interaction between the way we live (our spaces), what we wear (our styles) and ultimately, the way we eat (our food).”
– Marco Joe Fazio, AOP
Captivated by our fashion and beauty imagery?
Let's craft something uniquely beautiful for your brand.
Discover the bespoke elegance and creative vision Marco Joe Fazio can bring to life for you.